Data Science vs AI vs. Machine Learning Which To Learn First

Data Science, Machine Learning and AI Courses & Pathways Over time the algorithms improve through experience similar to human development. Machine learning algorithms simulate the brain and copy the process that we as humans use to learn and be intelligent. The learning process is a series of trial and error, but once the task is […]

Improving Health Insurance Chatbots with Conversational AI

Chatbots drive cost savings in healthcare delivery, with experts estimating that cost savings by healthcare chatbots will reach $3.6 billion globally by 2022. Assess symptoms, consult, renew prescriptions, and set appointments — this isn’t even a full list of what modern chatbots can do for healthcare providers. They’re never tired, always ready to ease the […]

The 7 Best Chatbots for your ecommerce Business Sales Layer

Your chatbots should represent them in the conversation in which e-commerce store owners create an indelible image in their target audience’s minds. The compelling greetings of an AI-powered business chatbot will engage the website visitors in conversation. Many online business owners use their logos in the conversation to create brand awareness in the welcome message. […]

Top AI-Based Conversational Chatbots For Integrating With Your Mobile App

Conversational AI Playbook: What’s Conversational AI? In other words, it is evident that every business needs to have a presence on chat platforms to thrive. As a language model, my main limitation is that I am based on patterns and correlations that I have seen in my training data,” ChatGPT says. “While this allows me […]

Make a Bot: Compare Top NLP Engines for Chatbot Creators

Article: Neural network and NLP based chatbot for answering COVID-19 queries Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics IJIEI 2021 Vol 9 No.2 pp.161 175 Abstract: During the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the world are worried and are highly concerned. The overall purpose of to study and research was to help society by providing a […]

Generative AI: 7 Steps to Enterprise GenAI Growth in 2023

2305 07605 Generative AI: Implications and Applications for Education Although the term might initially seem coarse, Frankfurt’s philosophical exploration of “bullshit” provides a deeply nuanced perspective. Central to Frankfurt’s analysis is the stark differentiation between a liar and a bullshitter. While the former has a conscious relationship with the truth, deliberately choosing to conceal or […]

XKCD inspired bot buys cheap junk online

US lawmakers announce bill to prohibit bot scalping of high demand goods Sneaker bots make use of proxies which can hide their address and can be changed in an instant. Sneaker bots have unfortunately become unavoidable within bot to buy things online the sneaker community. Whether you use them or compete against them, we’ve all […]